Learn, Laugh and Live with Leyland u3a
You are very welcome to come along to our monthly meeting at Halls4All alongside Leyland St Ambrose Church, Moss Lane, Leyland, PR25 4XA. The meetings are 10:30am to 12:30pm on the second Wednesday of each month but please arrive early. To find on map click link above.
Bored with retirement?
Wondering what to do with yourself? Would you like to make new friends, try out things you’ve never done before, visit unfamiliar places, or learn about developing new interests? Well, look no further, Leyland U3A has such a lot to offer with new dynamic ideas providing educational, leisure and social events and lots of activity groups for the South Ribble community.
If you’re retired, semi-retired or not in full-time employment, then you’re eligible to apply for full membership. Annual Membership is only £10.00.
Want to find out what Leyland u3a is about? Come to Roccoco for Coffee and Chat on the first Friday of the month at 2:30 to find out. Click the button for details.
Our monthly meetings feature guest speakers, social activities or practical topics. Admission: £1 members £2 guests, including refreshments.